Our New Affiliate Program!

I want moms to pamper themselves! I want the public to get chemicals out of their homes! I want more people to care about shopping small! I want everyone to crave natural ingredients! I want women to support handmade! I want y'all to take time for self-care!   Want to help me spread the gospel?!  ;)   I'm looking for a handful of brand reps for our new affiliate program...…


Kendall County Jr. Livestock Show

I'm sure many of you don't remember the fiasco that was last year's junior livestock show.  But if you're interested, let me refresh your memory with this tidbit... https://fromscratchfarm.com/blog/kendall-county-jr-livestock-show-3 Needless to say, we have been worried that something like that might happen again! So I read the e-mails, checked them twice, collected the information and cash that we needed, double-checked everything.  And then Ben and I were off to the big…


Why Shop Small? Why Buy Handmade? Why Purchase From Us?

The online shopping world is saturated!  The Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals are everywhere!  Why in the world should you worry about shopping small, supporting Plaid Friday and Small Business Saturday?  Why should you bother buying handmade?   First, let's start with the overall umbrella of shopping with small businesses: 1. Small businesses give back (more) to your community When you support a local business, you’re also supporting your town, city, and…


The Kendall County Fair

Worst fair (for us) ever!  But we had a blast!  ;) A few weeks before, we started gathering up the boys' best photography.  Got them ordered, framed, titled, and turned in by the early deadline. {Evan ended up with a 3rd place ribbon, two 2nd place, and two 1st place ribbons.  No Best of Show.  Ben ended up with a 3rd place ribbon and several 2nd places.  Definitely disappointed that…


The Sky Isn’t Falling

I am healthy.  I rarely get sick.  I saw my ob/gyn while I was pregnant.  I made myself go for a check-up right around turning 40.  And I see the dentist fairly regularly.  But I'll admit... I don't watch my blood pressure or cholesterol, I'd never had my eyes checked as an adult, etc, etc.  I could go on.  But you moms know the drill.  Every other person comes first,…


Models Wanted!

It's time!  Our anniversary is here... and we're out of great images from our last model search!   The details? I need to stock up on beautiful photos of our products, being modeled by and used by actual humans.  ;)  I have one full week without my kids, to dedicate to this project.  All I need is for people to volunteer and show up.   When? I have dates and…


This is Dyslexia

I haven't hidden it.  Evan's had a rough go of it.  It's never affected his outgoing, funny, inquisitive, sweet, and kind nature... or his love of learning.  But, school has not been easy.   Nothing was every noticed in preschool or kinder.  He was just learning the numbers, the letters, routines, and rules.   But in first grade, he wasn't keeping up.  His reading was very medial and wasn't progressing. …


My Beauty Routine

Okay, so I am always asked exactly what products I use in my daily routine.  Am I really using my own?  What other brands do I trust, along with my all-natural one?  Here's the scoop.... My typical day starts with a shower.       I first wash my face with Nature Nate's raw honey.  Yep, that's what I said.  Honey!  I'll be writing a blog on the benefits of…


Viva Fiesta!

Well, San Antonio's fiesta wasn't as awesome for us as I had hoped it would be.  Next year I'll know to watch the calendar and plan ahead.  (this year Evan was with his dad one weekend, and we were camping on the other weekend) But other than missing both weekends of the big event.... The decorations and mariachi station (on Pandora) were a big hit at work.      …


The Joy of Raising Chickens

IF YOU'VE BEEN CONTEMPLATING RAISING CHICKENS OF YOUR OWN, CONSIDER THIS: -you may spend countless hours each week watching FARM TV in your backyard -you may end up being labeled a "Crazy Chicken Lady" -friends may tag you in every chicken social media post they see -once you fall in love with your hens, this may lead to needing more chicks next year -and since chickens are a gateway farm…