Kendall County Jr. Livestock Show

I’m sure many of you don’t remember the fiasco that was last year’s junior livestock show.  But if you’re interested, let me refresh your memory with this tidbit…

Needless to say, we have been worried that something like that might happen again!

So I read the e-mails, checked them twice, collected the information and cash that we needed, double-checked everything.  And then Ben and I were off to the big show!  😉

Check-in was the smoothest it has ever been.  No goofs on our part.  No accidents with the birds.  No problems at all.  So we were at a loss for what to do for the next couple of hours (since we didn’t need to drive home three times!).  Ha ha.

We hung out, watched the turkey show, saw the kids compete in showmanship too.  Then Ben was in the ring for a few minutes.  And then we were home.  Done!

Definitely the most uneventful and fast show he’s been in!  (Which is good with me!)






Now we’ll be taking care of the broilers for another week, before we have them processed on Saturday morning.  And once that’s over (and the chickens have found their new homes in our freezer), it’s time for the auction.

Ben will spend a quick minute on the auction floor, offering up a USDA inspected bird and his charming smile.

All we’re needing is a business (or two) to put in some great bids, so that Ben can add to his savings account.  And some add-on donations are on the wish list too.  Every little bit helps in Ben’s goal to purchase his first car when that 16th birthday comes around in March!





If you (or someone you know) owns a business (or is just wonderfully wealthy), and would like to support the 4-H and FFA kids in our community, there is still time to sign up to be a bidder (and to be treated to a delicious bbq and beer lunch).  You just have to contact the AgriLife Extension Office here in Boerne…


Or, if you (or someone you know) would like to add on any amount to Ben’s earnings, the office would be happy to accept that from you, and Ben would be thrilled to get that from you!  All that takes is a little paperwork, a check, and sending some snail mail (or I’d be happy to come pick it up from you!).   KCJLA FILLABLE ADD ON SHEET

The Sale Unit Number can be left blank, since sale numbers are not available at this time.
Make check payable to “ Kendall County Junior Livestock Assoc. “
Printed form and check can be mailed to – Kendall County Junior Livestock Show, Po Box 149, Boerne, Texas  78006


If you’re able to bid or send in add-ons, we can’t thank you enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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