The Kendall County Fair

Worst fair (for us) ever!  But we had a blast!  😉

A few weeks before, we started gathering up the boys’ best photography.  Got them ordered, framed, titled, and turned in by the early deadline.

{Evan ended up with a 3rd place ribbon, two 2nd place, and two 1st place ribbons.  No Best of Show.  Ben ended up with a 3rd place ribbon and several 2nd places.  Definitely disappointed that he didn’t win a Best of Show.}

Then we started setting all of our eggs aside, to see if we could collect enough for any of us to submit.  But the hens were laying so infrequently, we only ended up with enough for one of us to submit a collection of six blue eggs.  Ben claimed them for himself.

{That was a 2nd place ribbon.}

Ben also submitted some World War II Lego constructions into the adult collections competition.

{That was his 1st place ribbon.}

Here’s their collection:



Next up was my week of baking.  I did my usual- a muffin, cookies, cupcakes, and a cake.  Decided on recipes that we love and that I had never submitted before.

{My brand new Snickerdoodles Muffins recipe won 2nd place.  My favorite Gingerbread Cookies recipe won 2nd place.  My Death By Chocolate Cupcakes recipe won 1st.  And my Maple Belgian Waffle Cake recipe won a 1st place ribbon too.  All delicious!  And some good ribbons.  But still… no one won a Best of Show.  Darn it.}







Then we collected our freshest eggs for the egg content contest.  We all submitted one into our age categories.  But we had lots of competition!

{Ben ended up with a 3rd place win.}





And our last event was the chicken show.  The boys entered Rowlf and Miss Piggy again.  And they tried entering three of our new teenagers.  Evan was so excited about the new girls possibly winning some ribbons, that he wore his belt buckle from his Grand Champion year.  But our girls got the same old marks about not being perfect enough.  So we only ended up with Ben winning one ribbon.  And Evan was in tears.  (There will be some follow-up posts on this…. and the sweet outcome.)

{Ben’s new Columbian Wyandotte won 3rd place in her category.}








So, as you can see, no big prizes…. but lots of smiles!  And we didn’t head to the carnival…. but had fun anyways!  Loved this time with my parents and kids.  And more highlights-> The Spazmatics concert, mimosas with the girls at the parade, and funnel cake!  🙂





Already planning for a better year next year.


And wanted to give y’all the scoop on my recipes:

Cookies & Cups, Snickerdoodle Muffins

AllRecipes, Eileen’s Spicy Gingerbread Men

Sally’s Baking Addiction, Death by Chocolate Cupcakes

SprinkleBakes’ Maple Belgian Waffle Cake


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