TRAVEL TEXAS (Chalk Bluff Park)

Just wrapped up our first camping trip of the year.  Of course, it was supposed to be in our new vintage camper.  Instead, I was in a tent.  But that's another story... We tried out was Chalk Bluff.  I had heard about it (and its crystal-clear waters and beautiful bluffs) for years, just had never made it out there.  The boys had a Friday off from school and my mom…


Our Business Highlighted (Come and Texas)

So I woke up on this beautiful May 1st morning... to being tagged in a pretty awesome instagram post... that led me to an even cooler blog post! Come & Texas announced us as one of their favorite finds from April! Along with nine other Texas-owned businesses, they went on to describe each one of our passions and products. Honored and excited! The ig post- here Their blog- here  


Viva Fiesta!

Well, San Antonio's fiesta wasn't as awesome for us as I had hoped it would be.  Next year I'll know to watch the calendar and plan ahead.  (this year Evan was with his dad one weekend, and we were camping on the other weekend) But other than missing both weekends of the big event.... The decorations and mariachi station (on Pandora) were a big hit at work.      …


The Joy of Raising Chickens

IF YOU'VE BEEN CONTEMPLATING RAISING CHICKENS OF YOUR OWN, CONSIDER THIS: -you may spend countless hours each week watching FARM TV in your backyard -you may end up being labeled a "Crazy Chicken Lady" -friends may tag you in every chicken social media post they see -once you fall in love with your hens, this may lead to needing more chicks next year -and since chickens are a gateway farm…


National Handmade Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I created a national holiday, y'all!  Me! I proposed my idea, made its case, paid the processing fee, and waited. It was so exciting to hear back from them, that from now on, the first Saturday in April will always be National Handmade Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because our time, sewing, pouring, sanding, making, our love, mixing, formulating, quilting, soldering, dreaming, our dedication, and our blood, sweat, and tears all needs to be…


Our Products in a New Shop (Market 1023)

  This happened quickly! I was planning a full weekend in the College Station area. We were hoping that our camper would be finished. I had made reservations at Lake Somerville. We were spending all day Saturday at the Museum of the American GI, for their Living History Weekend. I had found a cute restaurant to try. And then I came across this gorgeous home/body/gift shop! I looked all over…


Chicken Fun Show

We collected eggs for a week.  We bathed the hens.  We packed our chicken show supply bag.  And we were off.         The club pulled together another great show! In addition to the usual raffle, chicken competition, egg competition, fun games, and showmanship contest... we also had a concession stand up and running and we got to play a couple rounds of chicken poop bingo.  ;)  …


Boerne Diva Night

I was warned that the spring Diva Night is never as well attended as the fall is.  But, boy am I glad we didn't listen... and participated anyways! First off, Diva Night is quite expensive for little, old, handmade, don't-have-much-merchandise-to-actually-sell me.  I'll be honest, $200 is very difficult for me to scrape up, just to be listed as a participating business and be put on the map. And then the…


GUEST POST! By Tori Bellos & Erika Yount

So excited to snag a few more guest blog posts before our next anniversary and annual model search!   And this one comes to us from our very own Boerne Convention & Visitors Bureau!  Near and dear to all of us shops and restaurants here in town... because their passion is talking about and promoting everything that makes our town amazing (including us)!     "Take A Break FROM Spring Break…