Our Products in a Subscription Box (My Texas Market)

A brilliant market subscription/gift box company based right here in Texas!   The legend goes, that the products are hand-picked from the owners.... straight from farmers markets, local businesses, and Texas artisans.  And each month there's a theme to the items they're selecting for the box.  You can put all your trust in these experts, signing up for a 3-month or 6-month subscription.  Or you can pick and choose (on…


Kendall County Fair!!!

Sadly, we didn't have any chickens to enter into the fair this year.  But we didn't walk away without ribbons!   I decided to enter the baking competition again. My mint chocolate cookies are some of my favorites.  Love them still, even though they didn't win.   My pumpkin muffins recipe is delicious.  But I think using a different canned pumpkin changed them a little bit.  No ribbon there.  …


Back to School!

First week of school is done!  A couple bumps in the road... and I need a nap.  But overall, it was a success. The middle schooler loves his classes and has a bunch of his friends with him throughout the day.  The little loves his elementary school's new building and his classroom.  And we're all biking to and from school (the weather has been fantastic for it!).  We celebrated with…


Our Beach Vacation!!!!!

I totally overposted this past week!  (sorry)  But I also got lots of messages, asking questions about our trip.  So I thought I'd blog about the experience, itinerary, and my little secret tips. Our schedule: Day one- Left Boerne by 11:00, got to South Padre by 4:30.  Checked in, warmed up dinner in the oven, and spent the evening on the beach.     Day two- Enjoyed the whole morning on…



It's time to make it a habit.  It's time for it to be on my calendar.  Maybe I need a perfect spot and someone to keep me accountable? My first thought is that Friday mornings are great for me.  And I'm wondering if a coffee shop, bakery, or library may be good places to park myself with my laptop.  But what will the coffee shop think... if I never buy…


It’s Our Anniversary!!!

It's From Scratch Farm's 3-year anniversary!!! And I'm going to give you a peek into the business... and a great deal!   First, I'm Amy.  I'm 41, the mom of two awesome boys.  I'm also a children's portrait photographer.  I've been single for the past year.  I love to cook and bake.  Love animals and kids.  I've completed nine half-marathons, want to do one more.  My favorite places are home,…


The Love Letter Library Part 2

Do you remember what you were doing last weekend? I was due to write a new blog post Saturday.  But after watching a little too much footage of the Dallas shootings from Friday and reading too many heated facebook posts and comments, I threw my hands up.  I knew I was going to spend most of the day upset, crying... so I went ahead and just started up Netflix. Thankfully,…


The Love Letter Library Part 1

Love is her jam! I discovered The Love Letter Library's instagram account at this time last year.  It was in the midst of my separation and my move.  My life was changing; my sons' worlds were rocked.  It came at the perfect time to lift my spirits, see that beautiful things were happening around me, and give my boys something kind to hear about.   Behind the account, I found…


4-H Fun!

We started 4-H as a way to be able to have chickens in our neighborhood.  But it quickly became much more than that!   First to dip their feet in was actually me.  Over several months, they offered Backyard Basics classes for adults.  I attended a canning class, a yogurt and mozzarella-making class, and a sausage-making class.  Got Ben to help me with my first attempt at making the sausage…