The Free Hugs Project

I wish today was a normal day.  I wish there was nothing special about it.  But….

Instead, it’s a day that most of us will remember forever.  It’s a day that most of us will reflect on what we were doing on this very day 15 years ago.

All of our stories matter.  But I don’t need to blog about mine.  And you don’t need to be reminded of the evil in this world.  I’d rather talk about the good.

Meet Ken Nwadike with the Free Hugs Project.

Free Hugs Project


Taken straight from his website:

Ken Nwadike, CEO of Superhero Events and Director of the Hollywood Half Marathon, attended the Boston Marathon to spread love and encourage runners with Free Hugs.

Equipped with a Free Hugs sign, camera, and tripod; the event was captured on video – which instantly went viral upon uploading to Youtube!

“While viewing the devastation of the 2013 bombing of the Boston Marathon, I was determined to be a participant in the next race. I failed to qualify by just 23 seconds, so I decided to attend the event in a different way. I provided free hugs to runners as encouragement along the route. This simple act made national news headlines and lifted runners spirits. Hugs produced smiles and gave runners an extra boost as they ran.”

He had a reason.  He had a purpose.  All with a simple hug.

We totally jumped on board.  And I wish you would too.

Check out their site.  Watch the videos.  Buy the shirts.  Share a smile at the grocery store.  Help someone in need.  Cheer on marathon runners.  Be kind to your neighbor.  Volunteer.  Call a friend.  Give a hug.  Just be kind.  Be the change you want to see in the world!!!!!!

Free Hugs Project

(got our shirts in the mail!)

Free Hugs Project Boerne Plaza

(spread love around our town)

Free Hugs Project

(cheered on brother supported runners in the Back the Badge 5k yesterday)


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