The Love Letter Library Part 2

Do you remember what you were doing last weekend?

I was due to write a new blog post Saturday.  But after watching a little too much footage of the Dallas shootings from Friday and reading too many heated facebook posts and comments, I threw my hands up.  I knew I was going to spend most of the day upset, crying… so I went ahead and just started up Netflix.

Thankfully, I woke up on Sunday with a goal.  It was going to be another love letter-dropping day!

I wrote eight different notes and grabbed the last handful of our mini-notes.  Evan and I threw on our FREE HUGS t-shirts.  And we set out to cover Boerne!



Our first stop was Market Days.  We dropped the first letter in the hands of the Wild Bill statue.  Our second letter was left in the napkin pile at the Fredericksburg Mini Donut Co booth.



Although Sandy’s SnoBiz stand wasn’t open yet, we dropped a mini-note there.

Next, we taped up a note at Sonic, as the boys ordered slushes.

Since we needed chick feed from Tractor Supply, we dropped a note in their magazine racks.

As we picked up a few items from walmart, we dropped a note in their s’mores display.



And then we had fun at HEB.  From the bacon section, to the chip aisle, to the zucchini bin, the cheese display, and the Blue Bell freezer section… we covered the store!  (It is seriously, so easy and fun to get this done while running errands!)





We are born wanting to love, explore, learn, succeed.  It breaks my heart that people are taught to hate and discriminate.  It hurts to teach my kids that there is evil out there.  I pray that our notes gave joy or peace to people that needed it.  I pray that we are a part of softening people’s hearts.

Get out there!  Get inspired; be inspiring to someone else!  Love!  (without seeing color, disability, sexual orientation, age, social standing, religion, or gender)  Just love!  And raise your kids this way!  We can stop bullying; we can stop hate!!!

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Need to snag some love letters or follow an inspiring account?  The Love Letter Library is here, here, and here!  😉


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