Chicken Fun Show

We collected eggs for a week.  We bathed the hens.  We packed our chicken show supply bag.  And we were off.





The club pulled together another great show!

In addition to the usual raffle, chicken competition, egg competition, fun games, and showmanship contest… we also had a concession stand up and running and we got to play a couple rounds of chicken poop bingo.  😉





Ben entered Rowlf into the competition (who didn’t win anything this time around).  But he also entered a plate of three brown eggs and a plate of one white, one brown, and one blue egg.  He placed with both entries!  He also entered one egg into the content contest, and won with that too!





Evan entered Miss Piggy into the competition (who didn’t win anything this time around).  But he also entered a plate of three blue eggs plus a plate of one white, one brown, and one blue egg.  He placed with both of those entries!  And with his one egg in the content contest doing so well, he won the overall grand champion for the standard hens!  Woo hoo!!!!!

So excited for those boys!  (especially after that debacle at the jr. livestock show!)





We really would love for you to join our poultry club and our activities.  If you’d like to learn more…..





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