Out to Save the Planet!

Even the smallest changes to your everyday habits can make a difference. A tweak to your purchases can make a difference. Fun and creative upcycling can make a difference. Planting a tree can make a difference. Recycling can make a difference. Every drop in the bucket makes a difference!

>We only have one planet<

We can do better…




This is high school Amy.  You can’t see all of the posters plastered on my bedroom wall.  But here’s a peek.  At all of the Ziggy, save the planet, save the whales things that surrounded me.  No boy bands.  No Hollywood heartthrobs.  I was passionate about this one thing.

And I was going to become a marine biologist.  Then other things got in the way.



But when I started a family, my priorities changed again.  No more processed foods.  I could do so much better by my kids.  So I learned to really cook.  And then when we moved to our land (whoa!), I pivoted again.  Starting a garden, raising chickens, catching rainwater.  Discovering essential oils.  And researching what was in our products.  All so eye-opening!

That’s how From Scratch Farm started.  And I’ve spent the last nine years getting toxins out of our home, by creating the products myself, with careful formulation and packaging considerations.

And????  What does that mean for you and the environment?

1 I’m using some amazing ingredients.  Doing my best to source natural, ethical, organic, quality ingredients.  That means it’s all healthier for you and our planet.  You’re able to pronounce everything on my labels.  There are no hidden toxins, dyes, or fragrances.



2 I’m using little to no packaging, if I can.  Glass, when I can.  Plastic, only as my last choice.  That means so much less is ending up in our landfills!  You can recycle my paper labels, the glass, and plastic.  The big wonderful bonus is that you can return any of the glass jars to me.  I can sterilize and reuse.  This is huge!  And wonderful!



3 An added bonus, I’m able to offer several products as refills at Handmade on Main.  (The distilled water-based ones, or easily pourable ones- room & linen spray, all-purpose cleaner, facial toner, face mist, and hand cleanser)  All you have to do is bring in your old bottle (instead of recycling), and I’ll refill on the spot.  Fantastic for the planet!  But also, great for your pocketbook.  These refills will save you money, over purchasing a new bottle.  Win-win!





Our soil is in crisis. For the past 70 years, the nutrient-density in our food has been declining as modern farming practices take from the land yet neglect to replenish what they are taking out. This in turn depletes our soil and food of critical nutrients and nutrient density declines so does our health.

But synthetic fertilizers, often used to address this issue, are not the answer as they hinder the diverse microbiology of the soil. When our soil is weakened this way, the nutrients that do exist don’t stay on land, but rather, wash away in what little topsoil exists.

There is a solution to this crisis. Regenerative farming.  FOND’s Regenerative Bone Broth


By definition, regenerative agriculture is a system of farming principles and practices that protect and enrich the soil, increase soil biodiversity, integrate livestock, and improve water retention–basically mimicking nature’s systems as closely as possible.

Regenerative agriculture goes beyond organic farming and pasture-raised and cage-free and adds conservation and rehabilitation of existing lands to create a healthier ecosystem.

Just as the gut is the foundation of wellness in the body, our soil is the foundation of wellness in our food.

Regenerative agricultural works to prevent soil erosion via no-till farming, cover cropping, and diverse crop planting using no synthetic fertilizers or harmful chemicals. These practices increase below-ground plant matter and organisms that sequester carbon instead of releasing it into the atmosphere. The end result is soil teeming with life that absorbs water for less and runoff and erosion, and thus less flooding.

When crops are planted and harvested, nutrients are drawn from the soil. Conventional agriculture attempts at replacing these nutrients with chemical fertilizers that produce greenhouse gas emissions, is a poor practice at best. Regenerative agriculture doesn’t pillage and plunder; but rather replenishes with a rich compost of ground bone, blood, and animal manure, just as nature intended. Thereby, restoring and healing the soil so the entire ecosystem can flourish.

In addition, regenerative farmers minimize or eliminate tillage as tilling releases carbon into the atmosphere and plant cover crops to protect against erosion, capture carbon, and increase moisture retention. And of course, they do not use synthetic fertilizers that devastate the soil biology.

Biodiversity boosts our ecosystem’s productivity. Each species plays a role and healthy biodiversity ensures our ecosystems can better withstand and recover from a variety of disasters. Plants, animals, and animal waste, feed the soil which in turn nourishes the microbiome in the soil that feeds the plants. Rodents bore under the fields and aerate the soil which improves water retention. Bugs and worms grind organic matter from the surface soil and leave behind enriched droppings. Remove one species and you remove a major contributor to our soil’s health.

And last but certainly not least, many farmers plant trees and shrubs that attract birds and pollinators who are born to spread diversity across the land.

Regenerative offers a system that values animals as more than a commodity; they are an integral part of the earth’s natural cycles. Livestock are walking, breathing composters. They contribute to healthy soil biology by spreading manure across farms and pastures.

Regenerative farming not only helps pastures flourish, it helps people flourish as well.

For decades, the nutrient-density in our food has been declining. The pervasive idea that the food our grandparents ate is healthier than what we’re eating today isn’t a myth; it’s scientifically proven. Multiple scientific studies show that many fruits, vegetables, and grains grown today carry less protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin, and vitamin C than those grown decades ago.

Regenerative farming reclaims nutrients and yields dramatically more nutrient-dense foods at a time when we couldn’t need them more.

When I started FOND I knew I wanted to do better. I was committed to using the highest quality ingredients and bones and I wanted to give back to the land that made our little jars of healing possible. This is where regenerative came in.

Taking care of the land isn’t just the responsibility of farmers and ranchers. As food manufacturers, we have the responsibility to ensure our ingredients come from a sustainable source. Our job is not to pillage and plunder, but to cultivate and restore. At FOND, our greatest joy is being a part of renewing the land. We’ve seen firsthand the changes to the land after a few years of farming regeneratively, and the results are absolutely stunning.




Flower Animal Art Hands-On Workshop | Sunday, July 16th | 1:00pm

This is an adult/teen art class that combines the beauty of flowers, animals, and artistic expression. This unique class offers participants an opportunity to explore their creativity while immersing themselves in the captivating realm of floral inspired artwork.

During the class, participants will embark on an artistic journey where they will sit side by side enjoying each other’s company while creating stunning and intricate pieces of art. The course is designed to cater to individuals of all skill levels, from beginners seeking to discover their artistic prowess to experienced artists looking to expand their repertoire.

You can choose from options: a dog, cat, chicken, horse, bear, paw print, birds, fox or a duck. If there is an animal you would like to add, please reach out to Botanical for Life through email of which animal so we may be able to add it to the selection at (Botanical4LifeJewelry@gmail.com)

Supplies will include: One animal cutout silhouette, a range of florals to create with, fast drying glue safe for flowers, scissors as optional, and a cardstock backing for support.

Refreshments will be served as well as wine for adults to get those creative minds at ease. You are welcome to bring your own as well as we enjoy a glass at the start of the class.

Flower Wings & Crowns Art Hands-On Workshop | Sunday, July 16th | 2:30pm

Tickets are $8 per child, $3 per adult attending with children, with limited spots available.
Ages 3-12

In this art class, children will embark on a magical journey of self-expression and discovery. Under the encouraging guidance and safety of guardians, they will learn about different types of flowers, their vibrant colors, and unique characteristics. Through interactive discussions and engaging activities, children will gain a deeper appreciation for the wonders of nature.

The focal point of the class will be the creation of flower wings and crowns, where children will learn to design and assemble their wearable masterpieces using a variety of natural materials. From delicate petals to vibrant foliage, participants will be encouraged to explore the textures, shapes, and colors found in nature, inspiring them to bring their artistic visions to life.

The class will encourage basic art techniques, such as arranging, cutting if desired, fostering fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination in young artists. Additionally, the class will emphasize the importance of sustainability and environmental consciousness by incorporating recycled and eco-friendly materials whenever possible. Once done, the adults will be able to complete the project by hot gluing straps on and back piece on and trimming if necessary.

Throughout the class, a nurturing and inclusive environment will be cultivated, allowing children to express their individuality and share their creations with pride. They will have the opportunity to showcase their flower wings and crowns in a mini fashion show, celebrating their artistic achievements and boosting their self-confidence at the end of class if they feel up to it.

Supplies provided: Sturdy cardboard frames for wings, contact paper, floral pieces, (scissors and hot glue for adults to help assist) and Velcro for straps and tape or a stapler for extra support if needed for crowns.&nbsp;

Refreshments such as fruit and water will also be served to keep little ones happy and excited.




Upcycling, also known as creative reuse, is the process of transforming by-products, waste materials, useless, or unwanted products into new materials or products perceived to be of greater quality, such as artistic value or environmental value.

Crazy Plant Lovee will upcycle anything into a planter!

Check out some of these projects you can do at home.





New bapron prints are coming to the shop! Mermaids and chickens and dogs, oh my! Baprons (bib+aprons) are a baby and toddler essential item! They provide full coverage during mealtime and messy play. They are also great for helping mom or dad in the kitchen and dress-up! Each bapron ties in the back, is 100% cotton, reversible and machine washable.

All of our products at Lydia’s Wild Things uses high quality 100% cotton fabric. Eco-friendly, soft and absorbent fabric with beautiful, bright prints that make parents and babies happy! These high quality heirloom items are reusable and can be passed down for years to come.



To support these makers, and more, come browse our shop or our website!

Store hours are Tuesdays to Saturdays, 11am to 5pm.

And website is up and running 24/7.


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